
  • 輸送氣體:空氣、高溫氣體、低溫氣體、廢氣、腐蝕性氣體、毒性氣體、可燃性氣體、爆炸性氣體。

  • ** 軸封:

  • 接觸式 Contacting:V-Ring、gland Packing、Carbon Ring、Mechanical Seal.

  • 非接觸式 Non-Contacting:Non-Contacting Mechanical Seal、Labyrinth Seal.

  • *** 傳動方式:

  • 聯軸器直結傳動     Coupling Direct:TF Series, TD Series, TB Series.

  • 三角皮帶傳動     V-Belt Direct:TF Series.

  • 立式馬達軸直結傳動     Flanged Motor Direct:TF Series.

  • 震動標準

  • 美國國家標準 AMCA/ANSI 204-96:

  • Balance Quality Grades:

  • Seismic Vibration Limits for Tests Conducted in the Factory:

  • ** Values shown are peak velocity, mm/s. Filter-In, at factory test speed

  • Seismic Vibration Limits for Tests Conducted In-Suit:

  • ** Values shown are peak velocity, mm/s. Filter-Out.

    *** Note1:Shutdown levels for fans in Fan Application Grades BV-1 and BV-2 must be established based on historical data.

  • Vibration Quality Grades of Fans: